Caramel Mama, Kyoto: Japanese diva Yumi Matsutoya fandom bar

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Yumi Matsutoya (松任谷由実) a.k.a. Yuming (ユーミン) is one of the most successful female singer-songwriters in Japan. She is somehow compared to Carly Simon in the US. The difference between Carly Simon and Yumi Matsutoya is that the name “Yuming” is common sense to Japanese people because her presence is unrivaled. Yumi Matsutoya is often described as “the queen of love songs (ラブソングの女王)” or just basically the queen. She sang three theme songs for two Studio Ghibli films, which means crazier than EGOT to Japanese people. (Hikokigumo/ひこうき雲 for The Wind Rises/風立ちぬ, Yasashisani Tsutsumaretanara/やさしさに包まれたなら and Ruju no Dengon/ルージュの伝言 for Kiki’s Delivery Service/魔女の宅急便)

So if a Japanese person sees a pink store sign saying “Yuming bar (ユーミンバー)” on a street in Downtown Kyoto, it’s not easy to ignore. That’s why Caramel Mama (キャラメルママ) a.k.a. Yuming bar stays legendary like an urban myth in Kyoto. 

Inside Caramel Mama was pleasantly moody and Yumi Matsutoya songs were well-played. The floor was sporadically covered with peanut shells which seemed to have been free snacks on a table. With Yumi Matsutoya’s graduation songs, they looked like sakura cherry blossom petals. I would call this situation “magic” if I was Quincy Jones.

Caramel Mama’s menu was handwritten in a laid-back calligraphy. Special cocktails were named after Yumi Matsutoya songs. 2000-2500 yen would cover two drinks including all-you-can-eat peanuts. Overlooking Kyoto City’s cozy nightscape from the bar’s window was soothing.


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Asian Japanese queer omnivore native to Kyoto. →Bio