Gnome, Kyoto: Cozy left-wing Irish pub

Going to an Irish (or British) pub is sort of like a cool foreign thing to do in Japan. It’s one of the easiest gateways to have access to what it feels like foreign which frankly means Europe in Japan. It’s like trying a roadside tiki bar in America in order to satisfy the hunger for exotic Japanese sushi.

Unlike random oriental restaurants in the Anglosphere, Gnome stays true to its Irish identity except for its name which may or may not explain its liberal attitude. Gnome has a mild, peaceful Japanese left-wing vibe that somehow generates a unique artsy atmosphere. It’s always interesting to notice how a local Japanese community evolves international political attention while being outside of the social scheme of the Anglosphere even when it’s an Irish pub. Gnome is unique.

Their food is phenomenal. It seems like no crappy, authentic fish and chips are allowed here. Gnome’s fish and chips was perhaps better than the original and probably the best one I’ve had in Kyoto. Their Shepherd’s pie was also great. Its cheesy texture seemed like it paid homage to Japanese yoshoku*-style gratin (*yoshoku/洋食 means Japanese Western food). It was delicious.


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Asian Japanese queer omnivore native to Kyoto. →Bio