Kafu, Kyoto: Retro hip Okinawan tavern

On a historical street market/commercial district ‘Sanjo-kai Shotengai (三条会商店街)’ is a retro hip Okinawan tavern ‘Kafu (かふー)’. It’s easy to know what they offer: Their signboard says 麺 (men: noodle), めし (meshi: meal), 酒 (sake: alcohol), and 沖縄ルーロー飯 (Okinawan lo bah png: Okinawan-style Taiwanese minced pork rice). Kafu is a cozy Okinawan shokudo (食堂: tavern). 

The storefront of Kafu. Photo by kafu_kyoto

Kafu’s menu.

Kafu’s menu in one sentence would be “Japanese comfort food with ample Okinawan items plus some pan-Asian options: Korean, Chuka (Chinese Japanese), and Taiwanese.”

Okinawa soki soba (沖縄ソーキそば). 500 yen ($3.80).

Okinawa Soki Soba is Kafu’s speciality. It tasted somewhere between udon and ramen: Thicker-than-usual ramen noodles in katsuo (skipjack tuna)-based udon dashi broth is what it is. It came with kinshi tamago (shredded omelet), beni shoga (red ginger pickles), green onions, and pieces of pork.

Goya champuru (ゴーヤーチャンプルー). 780 yen ($6).

Soy sauce-flavored goya champuru (stir-fried bitter melon) consisted of fried tofu, onions, eggs, and hams. On top was ethereal katsuobushi (鰹節 / bonito flakes). It was phenomenal.

The classic Japanese shokudo item ‘deep fried mackerel (アジフライ)’. It was downright crisp. 580 yen ($4.40).

Mimiga (ミミガー) a.k.a. pig’s ear is probably the most Okinawan item here. Crunchy and chewy bacon was what it tasted. Ponzu (citrusy soy sauce) was refreshing. 380 yen ($2.90).

Pork tongue (豚タンの冷やししゃぶポン酢) was like, pork. It was nice and porky. 580 yen ($4.40).

Sata andagi (Okinawan donuts) with vanilla ice cream (サータアンダギーとバニラアイス). 480 yen ($3.60).

I was a bit disappointed with the seemingly quarter-cut, room-temperature donut since the dish took a while to arrive at my table. I expected a freshly fried piping hot donut. The dish as a whole tasted great anyhow. I might as well say “nankurunaisa (なんくるないさ: everything is alright)” in Okinawan.


Kafu (かふー) | 21-19 Nishinokyo Nanseicho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 〒604-8412, Japan

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Asian Japanese queer omnivore native to Kyoto. →Bio