KYOTO RAINBOW PRIDE: Gayest day in Kyoto

Here’s what Kyoto Rainbow Pride (京都レインボープライド・パレードフェス) and Pride Month (プライド月間) in Kyoto City look like. A map of the parade route of Kyoto Rainbow Pride is at the end.

Kyoto Rainbow Pride’s parade crossing a street at Karasuma Nanajo (烏丸七条) before Kyoto Tower.

Kyoto City is a big city with a population of 1.5 million people. It’s as big as  Philadelphia or San Antonio in the US by population. Yet there are no rainbow flags on the streets in Kyoto City. Gay bars are hidden. No gay clubs. No gay saunas. (Don’t even think about poppers.)

Kyoto City is more somber than flamboyant. You’ll see major businesses such as Mcdonald’s, Domino’s, and 7-Eleven painted in black and brown (not that they support lives of specific communities). Kyoto Rainbow Pride (late March – early April) and Pride Month (June) are the only seasons for the bloom of rainbow flags.

A rainbow flag in Downtown Kyoto in Pride Month.

Kyoto Rainbow Pride is more like a minor political activity than a flamboyant sexual liberation. The event started in 2021. While visualizing LGBTQ people is one of the achievements of the event, Kyoto Rainbow Pride’s parade accommodates “no photo zone” for those who don’t want to be exposed. A unique, compromise is made. This is Kyoto City somehow moving forward.

The Kyoto City mayor Daisaku Kadokawa making a speech at Kyoto City Hall (京都市役所) next to local organizers and American diplomats.

A tuk-tuk (a Thai auto rickshaw) leading the parade in Downtown Kyoto.

Some pedestrians said, “What is this about?” Some said, “Ah, LBG…?” The organizer told me that the number of participants doubled to 500 in 2022.

Kyoto Rainbow Pride’s parade usually starts at Kyoto City Hall (京都市役所) at 10:30 am. It takes two hours and a half to get to the goal Umekoji Park (梅小路公園) via Downtown Kyoto “Shijo Kawaramachi (四条河原町).” Shijo Kawaramachi and Karasuma Nanajo (烏丸七条) by Kyoto Tower are the highlights of the parade. Umekoji Park after 1 pm is to see free performances on stage until around 4 pm. LGBTQ-friendly local businesses’ pop-ups and vendors are there all-day until the end.

LGBTQ-friendly pop-ups at Umekoji Park.

Handmade accessories on a rainbow flag. Karaage fried chickens by a local LGBTQ-friendly deli and soft drinks by the event’s sponsor “Cheerio (チェリオ)” were also available.

A Japanese double act peforming on stage at Umekoji Park. Non-political fart jokes were warming the air.

Photo via そらにじ京都


Kyoto Rainbow Pride (late March – early April)
Pride Month (June)

10:30 am – 11:00 am Opening ceremony at Kyoto City Hall (京都市役所)
11:00 am – 1:00 pm Parade
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Festival at Umekoji Park (梅小路公園)

*The schedule may be subject to change.

A: Kyoto City Hall → B: Shijo Kawaramachi → C: Karasuma Nanajo → D: Umekoji Park.

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Asian Japanese queer omnivore native to Kyoto. →Bio