Shintamon Sakakura, Osaka: Malaysian Japanese tachinomi izakaya

Tachinomi izakaya(立ち飲み居酒屋) means “Japanese standing food bar” (more details). Amid a tachinomi izakaya neighborhood surrounding busy Temma Station (天満駅) is the Stripes of Glory (a national flag of Malaysia)-waving, Shintamon Sakakura (Tachinomi-dokoro Shintamon Sakakura / 立呑処 新多聞酒蔵).

Inside Shintamon Sakakura is a 100% Japanese tachinomi izakaya except for the national flag of Malaysia on the wall. Only a counter table facing the kitchen, no chairs (which save space). Today’s specials and recommendations handwritten in native Japanese are on a businesslike whiteboard. Laminated double-sided print menus are on the table.

Hainanese chicken usually comes with rice and is called “Hainanese chicken rice” or “Singaporean chicken rice (シンガポールチキンライス)” in Japan. I appreciated the keto-friendly outcome here at Shintamon Sakakura.

It may or may not be even an Asian dish but I wanted it. It tasted good. However, in hindsight, I thought I would have appreciated it if onions had spent more time in a pan. My mouth smelled like onions all evening that day.

Shintamon Sakakura’s Japanese menu says “Japanese Malaysian black yakisoba noodles”. The dish was like Japanese udon-like thick egg noodles stirred-fried in dark soy sauce.

All the food I ate at Shintamon Sakakura was great and genuinely homespun. I assume many Japanese salary-men (businessmen) feel at home there. Some might find it pricey compared to other tachinomi izakayas where a homespun yakisoba noodles costs half the price.


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Asian Japanese queer omnivore native to Kyoto. →Bio