O Thanasis in Athens is probably the most famous kebab shop in Greece. If not, definitely in Athens. O Thanasis is a kebab shop that offers classic Greek comfort food such as gyro (shredded meat like shawarma), souvlaki (chicken skewers like yakitori), and kebab (ground meat like breakfast sausage).

O Thanasis’s menu.
Under a parasol with radiant white lights, on a table was a laminated menu bilingual in both Greek and English. I had Tzatziki (€3.6), Moussaka (€8), O Thanasis’ specialty “THANASIS KEBAB / Μερίδα Κεμπάπ” (€8.80), and a few extra discs of pita bread (why not).

THANASIS KEBAB. (€8.80 / $9.70)

Moussaka. (€8 / $8.80)

Tzatziki. (€3.6 / $4)
Everything was flawless. Tzatziki was such a dark horse: it was insanely rich. Moussaka was congenially homespun. THANASIS KEBAB was executed just right. It made me happy about my earlier decision about the extra pita bread. They were all, hella good.

Athens’s local “FIX Hellas.” (€3 / $3.30 for a half litter)
O Thanasis | Mitropoleos 69, Athina 105 55, Greece