Seirinkan: Best Neapolitan pizza in Tokyo

Seirinkan (聖林館) is considered as one of the best pizzerias in Japan partly because it appeared in a Netflix show “Ugly Delicious.” David Chang and Aziz Ansari from the show only confirmed the fame of Seirinkan. Now the pizzeria is almost legendary.

A storefront of Seirinkan.

Seirinkan is a narrow three-story building. I had to go upstairs but only felt going deeper thanks to the restaurant’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea-ish vibe. I wasn’t sure where I was, but the smell of coffee and garlic guaranteed the restaurant’s Italian identity.

Pizza Margherita.

As other websites said, there were only two pizzas on the menu: pizza Margherita and pizza marinara. Unlike the pizza options, appetizers and pasta on the menu showed a variety of items to choose from.

I had a pizza margarita. Yes, it became one of the best pizzas I’ve had. It was like explosions of each and every ingredient on/in one pie. It was bonkers. I gave up making pizzas at home that day for good. 

Neapolitan (ナポリタン).

Since Seirinkan is a Neapolitan pizzeria, a pasta dish “Neapolitan (ナポリタン)” was way to go. Neapolitan, spaghetti with ketchup, is one of the most popular Japanese pasta dishes. Seirinkan’s Neapolitan was quite traditional with right ingredients: bacons, garlic, onions, bell peppers, and so on. The strong presence of black peppers and garlic on Seirinkan’s Neapolitan was beyond home-cooked ones. It was totally restaurant quality.

Says “Seirinkan (セイリンカン)” in Japanese Katakana.


Seirinkan (聖林館) | 2 Chome-6-4 Kamimeguro, Meguro City, Tokyo 〒153-0051, Japan

Pizza Margherita: ¥1500 / $10.70 / £9.30 / €10
Neapolitan: ¥1900 / $13.60 / £11.80 / €12.70

Website | Menu

Seirinkan (聖林館) | 2 Chome-6-4 Kamimeguro, Meguro City, Tokyo 〒153-0051, Japan

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Asian Japanese queer omnivore native to Kyoto. →Bio