Kyoto’s only Subway at Aeon Mall KYOTO

Kyoto’s only Subway (サブウェイ イオンモールKYOTO店) is located in a food court on the 4th floor of Kyoto’s second largest shopping mall Aeon Mall KYOTO (イオンモールKYOTO) whose bookstore is also Kyoto’s second largest.

Subway’s customers may or may not have to go through an ever-so-polite waiter to be instructed to use a self-ordering kiosk because it’s in Japan. My potential waiter there was occupied, so I started using the self-ordering kiosk without permission which I felt a bit guilty. 

I ordered/clicked Sweet Red Beans & Mascarpone with Matcha Sauce (宇治抹茶あんこ&マスカルポーネ ), a limited specialty item only at Subway Aeon Mall KYOTO. The sandwich was delivered without communication between the kitchen over ingredients. The sandwich tasted very Japanese. It was great great for a 200 yen sandwich.


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About sushisandwich81 131 Articles
Asian Japanese queer omnivore native to Kyoto. →Bio