So John Wick izakaya means a Japanese izakaya (居酒屋: tavern) that looks like it could appear in the John Wick series like a sushi stand in John Wick 3 except for its background music. Instead of an extra Japanesey Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ) song which was played at the sushi stand in John Wick 3, Rokuzaemon (六左ゑ門) in Kyoto plays the piano version of Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence by Ryuichi Sakamoto (坂本龍一) and occasional American hip hop songs.

Inside Rokuzaemon.

Rokuzaemon’s menu which surprisingly looks like it’s written by someone like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ).
At Rokuzaemon, a Yamagata-born chef offers a classic Japanese izakaya repertoire. Rokuzaemon’s menu looks like a dream team of everybody’s favorite Japanese items made by a reliable, regular Japanese mom. But the dishes spoke that there’s John Wick of culinary arts in Rokuzaemon’s kitchen.

A handsome glass of ginger ale. 550 yen ($ 4.20).

Japanese turnip pickles with sansho pepper(山椒) as a tsukidashi (つきだし: compulsory appetizer).

Zucchini and asparagus in sesami sauce (ズッキーニとアスパラガス胡麻和え).

Yudofu (湯豆腐: tofu in hot water) in dark dashi (出汁) broth with pulverized yuzu zest.

French fries (フライドポテト) with a hint of turmeric.

Downright karaage fried chicken (鶏からあげ).

Sweet tamagoyaki rolled omelet (甘い卵焼き). It almost tasted like French toast, which was avant-garde.
I have to mention that Rokuzaemon’s “french fries” was the best deep-fried potato dish I’ve had in my life. There were no prices written on the menu except for their drinks. 5000 yen ($38.40) would cover seven items including a drink.

The storefront of Rokuzaemon.
A fun fact about Rokuzaemon is that its address is not open to the public although Google knows where.
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